Friday, June 18, 2010

Party Tonight

I'm so excited because tonight about 8 or 9 of my library cohorts and I will be getting together for a board game party. While as parties go I know that is a pretty mild option, but really when I work 60 something hours a week my time with friends and family is so limited. Tonight is a night I have wanted to have for months.

The games on the menu: Apples to Apples, Monty Python Flux, Scrabble, Spoons, Beatles Monopoly, Cranium, Scattergories, Uno, and possibly Pass the Pigs.

On the actual menu: Pizza and Beer, and possibly homemade ice cream and cookies depending on how much time I have after cleaning.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Quiet Times at the Reference Desk

Summertime in an academic library can be a very odd thing. Currently here in Reference we are dealing with two things, a massive shifting project and a looming bout of renovation which is invading our personal and mental space. Patron-wise however we are nearly empty, and so when it is time to chill at the Reference Desk there are only so many things that keep you from nodding off.

So today, we decided to institute a rousing game of UNO. One student worker, one librarian, one library assistant, and ILL person all joined together behind the reference desk to play cards on a small filing cabinet. Just a part of my ongoing work as Queen to make sure everyone knows just how fun the library can be.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Starting out Fresh

Starting a new blog is always an awkward experience. The writer does not know how much or how little to share with the world of readers. There are the questions that rise to surface: "Who is going to read this?" "Why do I feel the need to write this down?" I suppose, in the end, I choose to write for me, and not for the audience that may interact with posts.
For now, I would just like to chronicle my life while I work at two library and begin my MLIS. A whole world of books awaits me, and I intend to be their queen!